Pro-gamer Torbull has provided plenty of gameplay details to give a sense of the areas that Valve will be improving for CS:GO. Eschewing the more traditional standards of regenerating health and having to save money to buy better weapons, CS:GO is definitely for the more hardcore shooter fans. Obviously any news regarding Half-Life 3 would be even more extraordinary, but Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is still a big deal to many who will be waiting patiently for the game to be shown off at PAX Prime 2011. Developer Valve hasn't forgotten about the mod-turned-juggernaut's place in many a gamer's heart, and is working on bringing the game back on a much larger scale. Once Counter-Strike: Source released, fans of the franchise were treated to a graphical overhaul of the game's assets, along with some game design changes. The successor to one of the best online first person shooters in years, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is sure to garner a large fan base when it makes its release in 2012.